Title I
Pleasant Hill School District receives Title I funding targeted to provide assistance to students in grades K-3 at Pleasant Hill Elementary.
Title I is a federal program that provides resources to schools in areas of economic need.
Every school receiving Title I money is required to notify parents of their right to request and receive the following information from the school:
1. Professional qualifications of your child’s teacher(s) including degrees and certifications held and whether the teacher is certified in the area he/she is teaching.
2. Whether or not your child is receiving instruction by a paraprofessional, and if so, his/her qualifications. This applies to all instructional staff in the school, not just those paid with Title I funds.
3. Of your child’s achievement level on Oregon Statewide testing.
4. If your child has been assigned or taught for at least four consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet the highly qualified definition.
5. Of your right to be involved in the planning and implementation of our parent involvement program in our school.
We are proud of our schools and staff and are happy to provide you with this information in a timely manner, upon your request.
Brenna Fairchild
Principal / Federal Programs Administrator
Pleasant Hill School District
541-736-0400 bfairchild@pleasanthill.k12.or.us